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Roshni Patel

Career Cruising 2.0: les détails

En décembre, Career Cruising dévoilera un nouveau look. Bien que le contenu inspirant et engageant  se poursuivra plusieurs nouvelles fonctionnalités se sont ajoutées afin d’améliorer de façon transparente votre expérience!

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Roshni Patel

CC 2.0: The Details

This December, Career Cruising will unveil a fresh new look. While the inspiring content and engaging features will continue, a number of new features have been added to seamlessly enhance users’ experience.

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Sean Aiken

1 Man, 1 Year, 52 Jobs - Taking the Leap, Discovering Your Passion!

My toes creep over the edge of the metal bridge to which I’m attached only by a thick elastic bungee chord.

“How did I get into this situation?” I think to myself.
“Oh yeah, passion,” I nervously determine, trying to build up my courage to step off the perfectly safe bridge.
“To find a career I love. Gotta try new things. Gotta take the leap.”

The bridge spans a river canyon. I glimpse towards the mountains on either side covered in old growth forest and rugged basalt column cliffs. For a moment, I forget my current reality lost in appreciation of the beauty that surrounds me. The countdown of the cheering crowd, who wants nothing more than to see me jump, jolts me back to the task at hand. I peer past my toes. The river, 160ft below, eagerly awaits my descent.

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