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Ray Davis

A Whole Community Approach to the "Art of Career Management"

I recently got a call from a college roommate asking for assistance with his college graduate son who was jobless and living back home with his parents.  No job, no resume, no career-related work experience, and clueless on his future. 

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H B Gelatt

3 Keys to Thinking Your Way to Success - H B Gelatt

When I was invited to write this blog sharing what I have learned from my 50 years as a counseling psychologist, I didn’t know where to begin. So I decided to begin in 1989 at about the halfway mark of my career. Having experienced so many changes in the global environment, counseling and career development theory and practice, I was inspired to steer away from the norms and adopt my own decision making “philosophy” of positive uncertainty, which I will explain below. Since then, change has become more rapid, more unpredictable and inevitable. Below I have gathered my top three pieces of advice for you to be successful in this modern, ever-changing environment as a counselor, a career development practitioner, a parent or as yourself.

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Phil Jarvis

NCDA 2012 Career Summit Dinner - Atlanta, GA

It is our conviction that the status quo in career development, or even working harder doing what we have been doing, will result in many citizens, businesses, indeed whole communities, falling victim to the looming labour crisis we're calling the Perfect Storm in job markets. We believe it will take a harmonized, whole-community approach to career and workforce development to weather the storm. Leaders in the career space must support each other's missions like never before. Therefore, Career Cruising is hosting a series of "Career Summit" dinners across North America to provide a venue for career leaders to explore options for collective action to move career and workforce development higher on the public agenda. A summary of issues discussed at each "Summit Dinner" will be posted on this blog after the event.

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