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Meredith Beyer-Alldridge

Parent Portal provides a window into childrens' goals and dreams

Parents and guardians are perhaps the most important role models children have. Not only do they inspire them through their own behaviors to be the best they can possibly be, they also play a critical role in guiding their children's career development and education planning. Understanding their child's goals and interests empowers parents to support their child in achieving their dreams. This month we are delighted to launch the Career Cruising Parent Portal, which provides a window into these dreams.

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Phil Jarvis

BC CDA Career Summit Dinner

It is our conviction that the status quo in career development, or even working harder doing what we have been doing, will result in many citizens, businesses, indeed whole communities, falling victim to the looming labour crisis we’re calling the Perfect Storm in job markets. We believe it will take a harmonized, whole-community approach to career and workforce development to weather the storm. Leaders in the career space must support each other’s missions like never before. Therefore, Career Cruising is hosting a series of "Career Summit" dinners across North America to provide a venue for career leaders to explore options for collective action to move career and workforce development higher on the public agenda. A summary of issues discussed at each "Summit Dinner" will be posted on this blog after the event.

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Anthony Abbott

SchoolLogic partnership means easy, seamless integration

I’m pleased to announce our new partnership with SchoolLogic, another step toward our goal to make ccPathfinder - formerly Course Planner - integrate as seamlessly as possible with student information systems. From our experience, when it comes to coordinating the information a student needs to select courses, meet requirements, evaluate careers and make decisions about post-secondary options, the amount of data is enormous. Working hand in hand with companies like SchoolLogic is a critical piece of the puzzle. By combining credit history and courses in progress, we are able to bring a student’s course plan to life.

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