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Matt McQuillen

Students Imagine Their Futures with ccTheRealGame

(For questions or additional information contact Sheila Joy at 703.862.7217 or

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Toronto, Ontario – (April 13, 2012) – Career Cruising, founded in 1997 and used by nearly 20,000 schools throughout Canada and the United States, provides age-appropriate career development, assessments, planners and other resources. In its ongoing mission to engage and inspire individuals of all ages to achieve their full potential in school, career and life, Career Cruising is pleased to announce their recent acquisition of The Real Game.

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Phil Jarvis

Australian National Career Development Strategy

When I was invited to present The Real Game to 250 careers leaders from across Australia in the Parliament in Canberra in 1999, it was clear to me that Australians looked to North America for leadership in career development. For example, they choose to adapt The Real Game, which was created through a partnership between Canada and the United States. They modeled their Australian Blueprint for Career Development on Canada’s Blueprint, which was modeled on the U.S. National Career Development Guidelines. They modeled their National Career Week on Canada Career Week.

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Kara Jones

Informing Dreams in Alabama

News Flash! I wanted to share a feature by WKRG News discussing  how Career Cruising is helping eighth graders at Calloway Smith Middle School in Mobile County, Alabama explore their futures, and the importance of doing so at an early age.

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