Australian National Career Development Strategy
When I was invited to present The Real Game to 250 careers leaders from across Australia in the Parliament in Canberra in 1999, it was clear to me that Australians looked to North America for leadership in career development. For example, they choose to adapt The Real Game, which was created through a partnership between Canada and the United States. They modeled their Australian Blueprint for Career Development on Canada’s Blueprint, which was modeled on the U.S. National Career Development Guidelines. They modeled their National Career Week on Canada Career Week.
A little over a decade later, leadership in career development has swung, in my opinion to Australia. They are doing what career leaders here only dream of. Working with the State and Territory Governments, The Australian Government is now committed to the creation and implementation of a National Career Development Strategy with the following goals:
- To ensure equity of access to appropriate and quality career education and guidance at key transition points
- To support all young people to gain the skills to manage their own career development over their lifespan
- To support individuals to take responsibility for and manage their own learning and career directions across their lifespan
- To ensure that practices are in place that support the growth of career development skills from a very early age
For more information on career development in Australia please visit the Australian Government, Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations' website.
Career Cruising maintains its Real Game and Blueprint for LifeWork Designs links with Australia, and hopes to extend this partnership to the benefit of both continents.