Teacher Opinion: The Impact of Financial Literacy

Jaime Lolkema is a Family/Consumer Science teacher at Arlington Middle School in Poughkeepsie, New York. She has been teaching Family and Consumer Science for 15 years and has used ccTheRealGame* for 12 years. According to Jaime, "ccTheRealGame is the most effective tool [she has] used in the classroom. Students' comments and reactions far outweigh anything else [she has] used."
In this brief video, Jaime explains the importance of teaching financial literacy and shares some anecdotes from her classes. She says "I hear things from kids in my classroom like I am definitely going to college because I need a good education if I want to get a good job, or now I see why my parents can't buy me everything that I want..."
Watch the full video here to see how Jaime uses ccTheRealGame in her classroom to meet ELA objectives and the impact it's had on her students.
We know there are thousands of teachers like Jaime who love using The Real Game with their students. If you are one, or know one, please consider forwarding a 3-4 minute video testimonial. We would love to feature your story on our website!
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*ccTheRealGame is used in more than 10 countries, over 50,000 classrooms and by more than 1 million students across the world every single year! See how it works!