Creating Pathways to Prosperity

Harvard recently hosted a Creating Pathways to Prosperity conference for education, government, business, and third sector leaders from across the U.S. The goal was to address the growing concern for young people’s career prospects.
Among the invited participants were over 400 leaders, including governors, secretaries of education and workforce development, CEOs of major corporations, youth leaders, and champions of the most promising initiatives to help youth transition from school to success.
Career Cruising played a prominent role in this historic conference. I was invited to speak on a Guidance Panel, along with several distinguished U.S. guidance leaders. Career Cruising also introduced conference organizers to Thoughtstream, an online community engagement tool.
Career Cruising and Thoughtstream presented six questions to conference invitees a month ahead of the actual meeting dates. Well over a thousand ideas were painstakingly distilled into a clear pattern of collective priorities for the conference.
What follows is a very abbreviated, yet informative summary of the results. The implications for guidance and career development practitioners are profound. For a comprehensive summary and detailed reports, click here.